Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Embarrassing Moment saved by a bottle of lotion

I was just grazing around the shopping mall, looking for nothing in particular. When I reached the accessories section of the department store, I stopped by to check out those cocktail rings with ridiculously huge ornaments.
I was intrigued to try it on and see how it looks on my finger. So I picked one.
The problem with this display stuff is that a plastic string is precariously looped with a tag attached around the ring....probably they just did not want people to try it on. But I still tried it on- I maneuvered to get the string out of the way (in other words I ripped it off).
I slip it on my index finger at first and it just fits nicely...but then I wanted to see it on my middle finger. It was a bit tight but it went through the second joint of my finger, so there I looked at it and I was not impressed...but it didn't matter anymore because Lord of lords the ring won't budge, when I tried to take it off...it got stuck!
I thought I could manage to pull it out if I just twist and pull harder...but the more I pull the more my fingers got numbed. Surely blood was no longer flowing to my middle finger. As I struggle to get this stupid (or maybe I was the stupid) ring out, I tried to bend over in the effort to hide what I was doing and pretend to be looking at the other stuff on display. Some of the people would hover behind me and some looked quizzically (maybe because I was pulling my middle finger), I just felt a bit panic- it would be embarrassing to ask for help from  the sales ladies and besides if they are to use a saw to cut the ring, they will definitely charge me for that...and for cheapskate like me I won't pay a cent for something I won't get in the end....then my brain started to work. I remember! I have the solution in my bag- the hand lotion!
my savior
 I slathered lotion on my finger, around the ring. I didn't care if the ring will be coated with lotion..and finally it slide through...and then I breath and said thank you Lord.

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