Friday, October 5, 2012

Let's move & Let's Love

My Maripipi adventure is a move full of love. 
Let's move and Let's Love.

Candol Cove
Maripipi is an island off the Biliran province mainland that is around 2 hours on a calm day by pump boat from Naval (Biliran province capital) port to Binongto-an port of the island. It is a pristine island, with beautiful unadulterated beaches teeming with fish, with thick forest, with 15 towns that is only accessed though motorbikes, with only one resort/hotel that is austere and unsophisticated and with a power plant that only operates 12 hours a day.  It is my husband's hometown and the place of his primary and high school alma mater. 

This trip is to attend his high school class reunion.
My adventure starts, I may say on the day I picked up my husband from the airport at 5 o'clock in the morning. But for me to get there by five, I had to wake up and prepare much earlier as the travel time is unpredictable from San Pedro Laguna to NAIA 3 using the service roads. I usually use the service roads to avoid the toll fees...(just me being frugal) and I say unpredictable because there are times they fix the road leaving one lane for a two-way traffic. 

I went to bed around twelvish on that Sept. 22nd (which is my usual bedtime) and woke up 2:30 AM of Sept. 23, Bong was arriving 5ish from Kuala Lumpur. He does not like it when I am late in picking him up because he say he's always early when he picks me up so he wanted to be treated  the same...which is just fair. And so with a sleepy head I drove to the airport arrived 30 minutes before the flight arrival. 

Despite the sluggish head and lumbering body, I was very happy to see Bong. It has been more than 2 months he's been away. He used to come home every month but since there were some developments in his work and status, the opportunities to come home have been lessened. Yeah, that's the sad part of gaining more in one aspect of your life, you sacrifice the other. I've been in that situation before too but I am not going into details about that because that's not part of this story.

I saw him with a beaming smile and  longing eyes when he came out to the arrival lobby. I too, wanted to leap to him but I didn't- coz if I did, I'm sure it would go viral in the internet. And so we had our cordial hugs and kisses and had the rest in privacy.

On our way back home, we passed by the highway oasis for breakfast at the Cafe France. It was nice to have breakfast again with my lovey dovey (his goofy term of endearment).  After that we went home and the girls were still home to greet their dad....but not for long as the school service arrived in a few minutes after. 

Soon after, Bong went out to get his money changed to local currency. By evening we went to buy provisions for the girls for the week that we'll be away. 

The next day, the lightheadedness was just starting to wane when we had to embark on our journey to the south. The first stop was Tacloban city, some 360 miles southeast from Manila (where we originated). We took Cebu Pacific Airline.

No amount of lack of sleep can deter me from expressing my fashion style. I remember when I was a young engineer in Fairchild, no matter how sudden and unholy time I was called to the plant to resolve process problems, my boss and colleagues would be amazed that I would always show up complete with bangles, huge earing and girly outfit- (engineers are always expected in rugged outfits)

On board Cebu Pacific
Row 14 has the widest legroom in this plane
 The flight was on-time and uneventful- thank God!  
My vertigo usually act up when I go on a plane, but this time I was feeling relaxed and no dizziness. There was a time I flew (it was not a budget airline- so food was served), I throw up all I ate of what they served on my pants as the flight attendant didn't get the relief bag on time ( for some reason there was none in the front pocket where I sat). I was traveling alone, seated in the middle between two strangers...It was most embarrassing and uncomfortable ride. Thank God, the flight stewardess was very courteous and helpful- she actually cleaned up the mess and gave me blanket and hot water. And the two strangers did not even complain nor asked to be transferred. In another occasion, going to Taiwan from Malaysia, I flew with a colleague and when we came back to the office, he told everyone that he won't fly with me again as he sees me like dying on the plane with the Vicks vapor rub jar lodged to my nose....yeah, that's how terrible my motion sickness is. So a flight that is uneventful is really a blessing. 

And oh, you might ask why not take the motion sickness tablet like Bonamine, well, I have difficulty swallowing pills. I take only liquid meds even for my 5 cesareans post operation pain relievers....although lately in my early 40's I've learned to swallow with 60% success rate...that means for every 5 times I try, only 3 tablets would go down..the two will be wasted. So even if now I know how to swallow pills, it's still not as easy as eating why bother.

The Tacloban Daniel Romualdez airport reminds me of an old box type sedan...just basic necessities, no's boxy, it's old....very sad looking and yet it is the 7th busiest of the 25 major airports in the Philippines, the gateway to the Eastern Visayas region...I just wonder why this terminal had been neglected and ignored...really sad. Outside the terminal, there's no Jollibee, no Mcdo, not even Mini stop or 7/11... just 3 carinderias side by side which was just fine for me...but maybe not very presentable for tourists.

We had buko ( young coconut) shake and moron ( yeah , I know for those who don't know like I did before, I said what? who's the moron? I find it ridiculous to name a delicacy as such, this is actually a rice cake marbled with native chocolate- Tablea and filled with peanuts wrapped in banana leaves and steam cooked) while waiting for Bong's brother, Tantan - the medical doctor, to pick us up. 

If Tantan was not a doctor, he could be a comedian, a trait he got from their father. You'll never get bored riding in his car because you get a treat of his punchlines, anecdotes and most especially funny true stories in his medical practice. 

Doc Tantan and his family
He arranged the schedule for  physical therapy session for his special daughter Natalie on that day to hit two birds with one stone. Tacloban city is the nearest place to where they live that they could get such treatment.  

They live in Naval which I don't know exactly the distance from Tacloban but I can remember dozing on and off in the car more than I can count with my was really, really a long drive in a winding, starkly lit road.
This is our route

My head was like a pendulum swinging from one side to the other and sometimes to the front when Tantan would suddenly break or slow down when it was not possible to overtake the tricycles because of an oncoming car.

We arrived late in the evening at Tantan's place. Their father Boning was there waiting for us. The boys (Bong and Tantan) immediately prepared dinner...our dinner was special- we had guinamos (and of course some other viands which Tantan prepared). It is  salted tiny fish, slightly fermented and soaked in brine....for Visayans who had been outside Visayas ( even just in Manila), this is one of the things we would look for and crave for. I wonder why with SM proliferating  all over the country, this is one thing they haven't distributed to the north...It is also not easy to bring this stuff to Manila as this is one of the prohibited items to carry or check-in the plane. I've attempted several times and failed...but I have found a way which I am not telling...hehehe.

After dinner, we prepared our things to bring to the island of Maripipi the next day. The rest of the evening was bleeeeepppp....We again slept quite late.

Early morning before the cock crowed we were up. While waiting for breakfast we went walking and just feeling the pure provincial air, though moist from the night's rainfall, our short walk was a delight...takes off a bit of  the lingering cloud above our heads due to lack of sleep.

 After a quick breakfast of corned beef and langka...I know, what a combination!... My ever accommodating sister-in law gave me a quick manicure and pedicure with a coat of bright red polish. It was a treat indeed for I haven't got my nails done by professionals for like decades ago- it is just not my thing.

 After which we were on our way to Naval seaport. Tatay Boning came along ....and I was seated between the two in the was like I was seeing the before and after on my left and my right. If Tantan got the funny bone trait from Tatay, Bong definitely got the looks- very strong resemblance.  But Tantan, Bong and another brother would always tease each other of who is the real Junior.

 We arrived on time at the port and we were greeted by people saying the waves have wings was like flying.  I usually get scared and have ominous imagination when nature is being feisty, but I was not. I was thinking that if Bong and Tatay were not scared so then there is nothing for me to be scared- they knew the Samar Sea behavior better than me (that's what I thought so  but later on they admitted to being wary, they just didn't show it)
 ......actually I just trusted that Bong will save me whatever happens. He knows I don't know how to swim... But what was more perplexing was that I overlooked the fact that I may vomit in the boat- totally did not prepare for it... no barf bag. I did not even think of the possibility despite my history of throwing up in every boat travel we took early in our marriage, I was not bothered and worried at all. Maybe I was excited to meet Bong's classmates.
Ramon and Bong
Ramon, Lolit and Bong
 Bong immediately saw one and introduced me to him but he already knew me- apparently he have seen my fashion weblogs and photos in facebook which Bong would share in his wall...he came all the way from Canada and was just adamant that the Reunion must happen and no big waves should stop them. He came a long way and to end up with nothing is something unacceptable to him. 

Then they saw another one but both of them hesitated at first as they cannot recall her name...good thing they finally gather up the courage to just simply ask and then their conversation flowed.

I enjoyed looking at them trying to reminisce their high school days and getting updates from each other.

The boat took a looong time to get ready because there were sooo many cargos being loaded. There was a town fiesta proceeding their reunion so not only the reunionist were coming home but also the rest of the town were going in and out of the island bringing with them supplies for the fiesta.

I was really not my usual self that time (probably due to lack of sleep or simply I was trusting) because I would usually assert when I see things that are not in order or a violation or when there's something that  bothers me especially when our lives are at risk. I would normally go to the head or supervisor or captain for this matter and complain. But this time I was just forgiving, even though I  assessed that they have loaded so much cargo in the boat that was labeled "Passengers only".

Tatay Boning, being an obsessive punctual person kept on waving at us to board the boat we did. Because of the waves, boarding the boat was like dancing on the plank. Tatay reserved the middle bench for us to sit. When I settled, I thought to myself, oh, the waves' not that bad..I can handle it. I was calm and complacent in the boat- oblivious to the waves. I even ate corn flakes and seaweed chips as the boat started to drift away from the port.

As our voyage ensued, the seawater started to splash inside getting some of the people near the window wet so they closed the windows...the smell of the diesel fuel began to fill the air. Then I was having difficulty breathing, the world began to spin and that's it. The ordeal has began. I slumped my head to my backpack which I placed in front  of me- I kept my head burrowed. I was sweating trying my mightiest might to hold back the vomit that was already going up and down my throat. I did not even care to worry about the creaking sound that the boat's bottom is making as if it was going to split open. I was just too overwhelmed by my own splitting headache. 

Bong on the other hand was also trying to cope with his own dizziness and opted to go out for fresher air same with Tatay. So I suffered alone inside the boat, as I also didn't dare to go out with Bong coz I know the moment I lift my head, the worse will happen. I tried to do some mind control...I tried to think of happy things and happy places and happy moments to no avail...the fact of my stomach churning and my head spinning always hit back. I even thought of screaming "PARA" which means stop so that the boat will just stop for a while for me to regain my balance but I know the captain will not indulge me with that but, surprise, surpirse it did stop for a while, the captain must have heard the silent screams in my head. But  it turned out that one of the boat's outriggers got broken and they had to fix it.  While others was becoming restless because of the broken beam, I was glad as it gave me a few minutes of rest. As soon it was fixed, it once again navigated the big waves.

Bong saw that I was starting to gag and despite his own delicate condition, he came back to look for a plastic bag where I can release my barf but the one he took was the plastic bag used for the Langka that Tatay brought along (from the breakfast) so it made me even more nauseous...the strong smell of Langka to nausea is  like  salt dabbed on an open wound. 

I manage to find something else....and 
the force of the vomit could no longer be contained, I had to let it go...and I was relieved. Bong followed soon after..he rushed outside to let go of his barf. 

After 3 hours at sea, we finally arrived. It seemed like that was the longest 3 hours in my life. 

Ramon acknowledged  my suffering and said, that I made a huge sacrifice just to be in this island of Maripipi and join their class reunion.

I had been already part of their reunion even before the actual event as I designed the prints for their souvenir polo shirt and I had it made myself before Bong came home from Malaysia. That's Bong's and my contribution to this affair.

Barely standing straight on a steady land, Bong said that we had to take a motorcycle ride to the resort we're going to stay in. What!  I said...I didn't know this before hand. I thought we'll be staying near the town proper, but no...the only resort/hotel in the island is some few kilometers away from Binongto-an  -where the port and the  school was. I beg to take a rest for a while although Tatay  assigned already a motorcycle service for us to take- so he had to wait. This motorcycle service is called Habal-Habal in the local dialect, it is because they could carry up to 5 passengers and because of the proximity of the bodies it resembles mating, thus the name.
The beguiling smile hides the fear
Let me tell you first my predicament with motorcycles... I never dreamed of riding this vehicle not even when Bong insists that he wanted to drive one and I ride along  ala Pierce Brosnan and Michelle Yeoh of the James Bond movie.  I always thought this is the riskiest form of transportation due to the fact that there is no protection other than a helmet- that is if the rider wears one...but here it's worse, no one wears's unheard of. My fear was supported by stories of distant relative who've had accidents with motorcycles and my personal experience when I encountered an accident with a motorcycler who was reckless in driving that I swiped her with the car I was driving. Even though she was not directly hit, but because she fell to the ground, she sustained some bruises and scratches....I was terrified of that incident to a point of now I had to ride in one!...that's a whole lot of fear to overcome. While resting and sipping the softdrink Bong bought for me from the Town cafeteria, I was trying to muster some courage.

I don't know what finally made me conquer the fear - I guess I was just too tired to walk to the resort (and hello? the resort is a few kilometers away- by the time we reach there we will be tattered and torn) and I just needed to lie down my head on a comfy bed fast.

Frankly it was the most inconvenient ride indeed because the path to the resort/hotel was like a high frequency wave. When it was going down I was pulled towards the driver and when going up I felt sliding off and when making a turn it feels like it's going to fall off the cliff and even worse was that there were parts with flowing water crossing the street.

The narrow pavement was barely enough for a two way Habal-Habal traffic, however, since I am not used to it, I cringed when there's one going the opposite direction. It is so near that you can reach out and tap the other which can literally veer you off course and much worse. Scary images would just appear in my head every time I rode the bike and I would say a prayer to dispel them. Good thing it was compensated by the beautiful sight of nature and pure refreshing breeze of air- at least it calms my nerves.

We seemed to be the only guest of the resort that time. We ate our dinner there, though it was not fancy, it was delicious. We even asked them how they cooked the banana heart. It was the first time I tried it as  Kilawin- a salad in lemon juice and coconut milk.


With the chartered motorcycle, we were brought back to town to attend the pre-reunion meeting held at the Health center. I shied myself away from the group as I don't want to be a distraction in the meeting especially that I have this meddling and interfering attitude, but because they insisted that I join them, and so I did. I couldn't hold back my comments and suggestions and participation which the group was so polite to listen and consider. But I manage to control myself enough not to preside the entire meeting...hahaha. Event organizing /planning was once my channel for my creative expression (although I still do until now when asked) and I was a trainer and Manager before I left the corporate world, thus leading a meeting like this is second nature to me.

The shirts were finally distributed and I was glad they liked it. The meeting was concluded  with a slice of cake and a bottle of softdrink.

 Before we head back to the resort, Bong, Ramon, Joseph and myself had to see the caterer to order for the next day's lunch. Then we had our dinner courtesy of Ramon's relatives an hour after. Then Bong and I head back to the resort....the darkness added to the thrill of our ride back to the resort.  It was late - again with little time for sleep as we had to wake up early the next day. The Holy Mass was set at 6 in the morning.

 Our ride came in early, but we were stalled by the rain. We had to stop twice to take cover and I just wonder, how difficult it is for the local's everyday lives.  You cannot expect 100% on time delivery of anything or on time attendance- they are always at the mercy of the weather.

After stopping twice and ignoring the drizzling rain, we arrived a little damp and late per schedule but earlier than most. Pleasantries exchanged, teasing and joking each other...while I snap my camera and theirs; capturing every moment of their first ever reunion after 31 years.
In most events and gatherings that I attended I always get in the frame for every photo opportunity but this time, I forgo and let myself be just the camera woman....I even choreograph some of their poses.

The parade followed and parlor games before we had lunch. Went back to the resort to change for the grand reunion recognition and socials. 

Ate Nora paired with the Mayor
It was a night of dancing- the Kuracha...Honestly I was culturally shocked as I was not prepared for the evening- an all-night Kuracha ( and I meant my pockets and wallets). Kuracha is a dance where the people are supposed to put in some money to those dancers whom they wanted to support. It was a shame that we did not have enough change that we were not able to support some of Bong's classmates. I was just glad that Bong was the first to dance it.

On the recognition part, Tatay was recognized as the oldest mentor in attendance while Bong's class 81 as the highest turn-out. Bong and I decided to leave at around 11PM but since we could no longer contact our chartered motorbike, we slept over at ate Nora's her bedroom much hospitality. The town's power plant was just in front of ate Nora's house so the noise takes a little getting used to....we managed to sleep...the vibrating sound of the generator just blurs into our dreams. We went back to the resort early the next day to prepare for the beach party that starts at noon time. Since our resort/hotel was near the Candol Cove beach, we decided to walk our way there so that we could take photos of the beautiful nature that was bestowed to us.

Lechon always marks a great celebration
The Beach was glorious- clear water, fishes around the rocks and it was not crowded. Because we arrived in the beach early we had it to ourself...until the rest of the class came in later with food and drinks.

I thought that the beach party was the end of the activities for this adventure...not so. Bong received  later in the after noon a formal invitation from the Mayor to judge the cultural dance contest- part of the Town fiesta celebration.
Attached to the invitation letter was a BIO DATA form that he was to fill up which shall be referred to by the emcee to come up with an introduction- this made me raise an eyebrow.
Concerned over how Bong will be introduced during the presentation of judges, I wrote up the introduction myself  before we went to the venue so that the emcee will just simply read my write up. Good thing I did it because the rest of the judges were asked to write their own intro while the program was already progressing. At Bong's request I did the write up for Ate Nora who was also a judge that night.
Because Bong refused that I go on the sideline, I became a VIP sitting along and chatting with the Mayor and other important people that night. Being a VIP, I got the best seat having the best perspective of the dance floor....I was right in the middle. I enjoyed the show- critiquing and commending. 

Once again it was very late- we slept at ate Nora's house again, although other friends offered their place as well. There was an overwhelming hospitality in the island and I was just awed by the fact that they even offer their own beds for us. 

The next day, early morning we were ferried by ate Nora's brothers (one of them was also Bong's classmate) using their own pump boat to the mainland. This time it's a shorter distance from Maripipi to Kawayan- another municipality of Biliran. I am so grateful to them for this for I could not stand to go back using the same boat and same route  as we did coming in to the island- it was way too long and too bumpy. 

Though the weather was still fierce that time,it didn't get me nauseous just a little uneasy coz the waves and the rain got us wet and it was getting into my eyes. Bong was laughing coz my eye make up from my eyebrow line, to eyeshadow to mascara was dripping down my face. Good thing my sweetheart is always very caring... he helped me wipe it off before anyone else could see my abstract painted face. And since the small boat had two engines which we were sitting on, we had temporary deafness and the buzzing sound remained in our ears even after we got off.

On the mainland, Tantan was already there waiting for us- so early that he finished a pack of candy and cleaned the car trying to pass the time. He knew that we have very tight schedule... to catch up with the next boat ride. It's like a connecting flight...ours was connecting boat ride.

As soon as we arrived in Tantan's house, we took shower and repacked our things...rested for a while to allow the buzzing sound in our ears to hum down.


The couch we lie on didn't even get warm, but we had to move once more. Tantan drove us  down to Ormoc which is so much further and more zigzaggy than the way from Tacloban to Naval. They even call it the intestine road.

When I got out of the car at the 2Go terminal, it was like I came out from a tumble dryer. My legs almost wobbled...but with the love and care of Bong, the discomfort was eased.

After we bought our tickets going to Cebu we went outside to buy food at the market. I was amazed by the plethora of selection of good food there, from lechon to roasted chicken to nghoyong to ensaladas to hanging rice to...a lot more...I loved it...I was salivating.  To me it was food heaven...we bought all that I mentioned and dashed back to the terminal to eat. We ate with our bare hands and never mind the plate...This is the best way to eat these food. We had no qualms about it even though some people were looking at us...what mattered was we enjoyed the food.

After the sumptuous lunch we waited for the Catamaran while we recall and talk about the events and people I've got acquainted with, their hospitality, generosity and love at Maripipi. We truly had fun...

 Then we finally boarded the Catamaran...heading to Cebu for another adventure.

This concludes our Maripipi adventure. It was a week long continuous movement and show of love. We traveled in almost all types of transportation from Airplane to Car, to Pump boats - big and small, to Motorbike, to Catamaran. 

For a person like me with vertigo, who cannot swim, who has motorbike phobia, and many more fears, it was the biggest adventure and challenge in my life that I have conquered with the love and care of my husband, family and newly found friends in the Island of Maripipi.

Let's Move & Let's Love