Sunday, September 2, 2012

My eventful morning- July 31, 2012

My eventful morning….

It started with me waking up later than usual because I almost did an all-nighter attending to my sick daughter, Kristy …When I woke up, she insisted that she needs to go to school despite just barely coming out of high fever during the night.I told her that she should take a rest for a day to fully recover but she was worried about her semi-finals project that has to be submitted today, so I decided to drive her to UST which is soooo far from our place ( with traffic it will be a little over 2 hour  drive). 
While I was assisting Kristy with the meds and food, the school service for my two younger daughters already arrived…Gaia was already ready but Brigette was still sleeping- turns out, my Aunt who sleeps in the same room with Brigette did not wake her up coz she thought classes are still suspended as it was suspended the day before and judging by the strong winds and occasional rain and typhoonish  feel outside. So I had to let the school service go ahead with Gaia and drive Brigette myself to school. 
As soon as Brigette got ready, we were off. On the way back home I noticed, there was splashing, wavy sound at the passenger seat- found out that it was a half-filled 1L PET bottle with water…I thought of getting it removed when I get home. 
As soon as I got home, got  Kristy and Karla into the car, locked the house since Daya (our ever loyal and dedicated, househelp, nanny, personal assistant and gym attendant) already left to tend  the gym….we dashed and I forgot about that bottle which made annoying splashing sound….along further away, we realized too that we forgot to drop off the house key to Daya at the gym…So Kristy called her to tell her about it and for her to just go to my brother’s house which is just two houses away from mine for lunch. 
We stopped for gas, then off we go cruising Daang hari …went drive-thru at MCdo Ayala Alabang took the West Service road but with the traffic, I thought we didn’t have enough time to allocate for it, so decided to come out to the Highway from Sucat exit and went on the speed limit of 100Km/Hr.
Then somewhere along Quirino Highway, noticed that the aircon was suddenly damp, when I search for answer I saw the temp indicator already at the roof….oh my God, panic, panic…I was still stuck in the traffic, red light was still on and situated at the leftmost lane….I stopped the engine for a while although I was scared to do it coz it might not switch back on…then the Green light came…good thing it turned on…so I maneuvered to the right side and parked somewhere near a driveway.
I don’t know if Karla got scared or anxious coz she's typically a calm and brave girl…but I’m sure Kristy was, (she's an exact opposite of Karla's character)….and so was I -scared to death….I was not sure what to do…I’ve never  experienced this myself  before….I pretended to know what to do so that my girls will not be scared,  but my hands were actually shaking. Good thing I learned how to open the hood a few months ago, otherwise it would have been even more nerve wracking to be exploring how to at that time…I saw the radiator steaming hot- good thing Kristy brought some rags- I don’t know what for but good thing she had some along coz there were no street vendors peddling those rags in sight in the place which they were supposed to be prolific….and guess what, that bottle with the annoying splashy sound came in handy! Since half a liter water was not enough we need to get refill-good thing there was a sari-sari store nearby. 
I had to let my girls take the bus to complete the journey- at least Kristy’s fever didn’t come back..she feels strong enough to commute coz I was scared to go further with the car’s condition.
Felt sorry for them, but I made sure they were on the bus before I went back….A few minutes after my return course, it started to rain- can you imagine that, how difficult it would have been back there…Thank God for miracles.
I drove back frequently checking the temp gage- took the service road all the way so that it was easier to stop just in case…Thank God, the drive was cool all the way- literally and figuratively.
While driving, I thought that I should learn from this and change my habit- to always check the car’s vitals and fluids before hopping into it. In addition I must learn how to change the tires too.I wonder how many lady drives really know and do these stuffs- not many I think.
When I arrived in our village I saw the gym already closed so that means Daya should be in my brother’s house…but when I checked she wasn’t there. I proceeded home and found out she was already there…I asked her how she did it, she just pointed up. As I gazed up my 3 storey house, I know she did a Jason Bourne stunt….and why did she do it…she said she can’t afford to waste time- she had to finish her chores before she opens the gym for the afternoon session….ain't  that something. She's really one of a kind...she cares for us, for the house, the gym and the pets. and speaking of pets we've got 16 cats, 3 dogs.

And so those are the miracles this morning….

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