Sunday, September 25, 2011

Class reunion2014 meeting- Sept 25, 2011

Date: Sept 25, 2011

Attendees: Joey A. Allan A, Basanio B, Veronica Arlyne L-B,
Venue: Rockwell

After a last minute change in venue (from Megamall to Rockwell), a few wrong turns, and a dizzying parking slot hunt, we (Bong and I) arrived in Rockwell mall ahead of the the rest of the attendees. By the way a few people had been contacted by Joey (Joyce,Garan, Ramil, Eva, etc.) who for whatever reasons failed to come....well I hope you'd attend next time coz we talked and gossip about whoever was not around-hehehehe. Anyway, when Joey and Allan arrived - with a Hongkongese visitor in tow, we went straight to the most important agenda of the meeting (which was)- DINNER. We choose Banana Leaf restaurant.

We eat off banana leaves that was not even smoked to kill off germs- well at least that's what I know when I was young...the food was good but could be better. If anyone would try it for the first time, I'd recommend the roti canai plain or stuffed with cheese or garlic with curry dip...Oh by the way, dinner was courtesy of Allan- it was his post birthday celeb....Thanks Allan. Then went for coffee at CBTL.

Ok, on to the real reason for this meeting-here's what we discussed:

1. Since we've already established that the next reunion will be in a beach resort and that plantation bay is by far the most preferred venue, Allan will take an action to inquire through his sister about the most economical dates to book the place, the costs, and if triathlon activity is possible- also what other activities are available for us there. He'll update us in a week or two.

2. We know that the cost will likely be higher than the last so we thought that fund raising and soliciations is imperative so Joey offered to handle the prices solicitation thru his company or whatever means he would craft later. Of course Allan jokingly (or maybe he was serious) offered free flowing beer during the event. One fund raising activity we talked was to sponsor a "FUN RUN". For this we thought it would be best to do it in Cebu and open it to the public. This needs the Cebu based team to lead this effort so I am appealing to Christopher Que- I know you are very busy but with your excellent leadership, financial savviness and for having participated in several fun runs yourself, you'd be the best person to take the lead in making this effort into fruition. Please :)

3. Others are also encouraged to recommend fund raising activities.

4. Other than reunion stuff, the 4 of us are agreeable to opening the excess funds from last reunion to any of our classmates for loan. If majority of the class agrees on this scheme, we need to define the mechanics, through our financial guru- Christopher Que.

5. We also thought that we'd have a mini reunion for the Manila based people this coming November 2011- details to be discussed later.

Other things we talked about were just you better not be absent next time.

Minutes taken by truly yours,

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